Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ramdev Baba's Fast Against Curruption - Conspiracy or Plain Bull-crap?!

I want to give a perspective to the new crusade against corruption by Ramdev Baba who has been lurking in the backdrop of previous (possibly ongoing) effort made by Anna Hazare on the same issue. Before, I do that, I would like to start with my thoughts on the whole situation and gradually slide towards the theory on why Ramdev's drama is a conspiracy or plain bullcrap!
1. I don't think that protests like this will eradicate corruption from this country: I would like to make all these overzealous yuppies think and realize that corruption in our country is not a political problem. It is a social problem! You can expect change through protests and revolutions in the political scenario, we have seen that in past but do not expect any social change from such protests. We are not going to become less corrupt by introducing new laws. Corruption in this country is here to stay, its a INDIAN thing we are like this, like it or not! We like the corruption, ask all those of your NRI friends about how dearly they miss the corruption in India? It gives us a feeling of belonging to the 'privileged class' who doesn't have to stand in a queue and can GET THINGS DONE. The privileged class who can break rules and get away with doing so by paying for it in cash! Do you think we really want this to change? Bribe taker is essentially the god who takes bribe and answers all our prayers. How can we go against our gods! Think about all our 3 million gods, they all get appeased by money and give you the goodies that you desire! Socially, we accept the idea and practice it everyday! The only reason the middle class is behaving with such zeal is because there are few people who have been getting more favors from the gods because they are just so filthy rich!
2. I believe that we need stronger ombudsman bill in India than the one that is existing: There is no perfect system. Thermodynamically its impossible to create one! What we can realistically thrive to achieve is to BETTER the existing system. There are times when I have learned about the corruption charges on the government like 3G/2G scandal, CWG, 'notes-for-votes' etc where the government has gone into complete denial which led to delay or denial of investigation and justice. You can read the chronology and my anguish on denial of investigation and information in the 'Notes-for-votes' Scandal.
I believe the CVC has been ineffective in dealing with widespread corruption and doesn't have enough power to cause any change in political front. The constitution and the anti corruption laws does not make the government liable against the charges of corruption. In purview of the recent scandals, there has never been a greater need to make amends and give more legal powers to the ombudsman. It may not end corruption but it will have a symbolic value. And one should not underestimate the power and effect of these symbols!
3. I was heartened to see the common man coming out of their houses in support of Anna Hazare and I believe it was truly historic: I have never seen any movement in our recent history where the urban middle class, artists, intellectual came out together to support for a cause which has greater implication than just self interest. At most I only expected to see these self observed yuppies protesting against parks for their kids, reservations and saving the planet. But I was too glad to be proven wrong. Good job yuppies!
4. The government isn't too keen to change the existing ombudsman law: The reaction and delay followed by denial only shows the reluctance of the government to amend the existing law. We couldn't have made them to bow without the show of strength by being together and demanding our rights. It seems to me that the government is in middle of a dilemma whether they should go against self-interest or the public. I guess no one in their position will go against public opinion. But they won't jeopardize the self-interests of the ruling class either! The only solution I can think, by imagining myself in their position, is by dividing opinions. By creating doubts and imparting a sense of hysteria and disenchantment in the large group. It is a very effective tactic to tame the sheep! Most of us also know this tactic as "divide and rule."
5. Divide and Rule: "In politics and sociology, divide and rule is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy." - Wikipedia.
The government was obviously threatened by the show of power and determination through the support of Anna Hazare by the masses. They wouldn't have thought of going against the mass opinion. Instead, the best way to tackle a situation like this is by creating doubts in minds of people and make them miss the whole point and objective. For this you will need a joker who would divert the attention from the real serious objectives and make you wonder, "Why so serious?"
6. Baba Ramdev - The Joker!: I have a severe indignation for religion and religious godmen. But, I will try to keep these opinions away from this argument as much as possible. Anyhow, I find the extra demands made by Ramdev to be ridiculous and laughable. The demands are so eccentric that it makes me wonder if Ramdev is subconsciously (or consciously, I am not sure) acting on behalf of the government. There is no doubt that Ramdev is a attention seeker, there are numerous examples in favor of this argument. But, in his present misadventure there lies a greater danger which will swing mass public opinion from the real problems to the eccentric ones. Most of his demands are inferior to what one would expect from a kid studying in kindergarten and shows the kind of intellectual deprivation Ramdev Baba has suffered throughout his life.
It baffles me and makes me wonder what could have possibly provoked this kind of response in media and public at large? Hence, I put forth the following three theories!
7. Theory 1: Advantage Congress: Who is going to win if the opinion is divided or people in general gets disenchanted with the need to change the ombudsman law? It is the government, the ruling class of this country! They are the ones who were stopping the amendment to come into existence in the first place! Let me present a hypothetical scenario,
"Anna Hazare got more attention than Ramdev baba during the initial protest. You don't need a bright congressman to realize actual desires of Ramdev and his possible indignation at lack of camera focus. Yet again, you don't have to be a genius to guess that Ramdev Baba is more corrupt than Raja or Kanimozhi (of 2G/3G fame). Ramdev cheats you in daylight, at least Raja and Kani wouldn't! Knowing all these too well, some Machiavellian schemer and manipulator inside congress thought of a plan to provoke Ramdev to start another fast unto death. You just need a bunch of sycophants to boost the ego of a man whose intellectual level can be compared to a four year old. So, Ramdev in his pride comes back to the government with additional demands. (the ridiculous ones, mostly) The very same government which took eons to give credence to demands presented by team Anna Hazare sends a envoy headed by the home minister even before the start of the fast to convince Ramdev to quit the idea of fast but eventually doesn't accept the ridiculous demands. To me, it might just be an eyewash as the congress knows just too well that once Ramdev comes out with new self cooked demands and associate them with the demand for revision of ombudsman law and obviously make a mess of it. This will make a large number of people doubt the credibility of the movement demanding amendment of ombudsman law. So, the general public opinion is divided and the the interest or need to make further amends will die with the division. A win-win situation for congress!"
PS: The above scenario is purely hypothetical, I have not done any investigation to make that conclusion.
8. Theory 2: BJP is restless: It is quite likely that BJP has become restless when their nonsensical view of misdeeds done by congress wasn't amiably accepted by the public and wants to stir up the public opinion in its favor for its own self interest. The new ombudsman law will not serve the BJP either, but the stir will help them divert the mass opinion in their own favor. So, they instigate Ramdev to goto back to public with his personal agenda and try to revive the the hatred for the government. It is a much likely scenario than the one presented above as the closeness of Ramdev with BJP is not something that I am guessing! It is a well known fact!
9. Theory 3: Stupid is as stupid does: If you discard the above two theories then the misadventure that Ramdev has undertaken will end up breaking whatever was started by the team Anna Hazare and the people of this nation. And it is a HUGE PILE of bullcrap folks!
You can choose any one from the above three scenarios and you will find that it is the people (you, me and everyone else in this country) who are going to be on the losing side if we break the process of change that we have started, by allowing scandalous men like Ramdev Baba mutilate our rights while we remain slumberous!
PS: There is a fourth scenario where Ramdev is sincere to his demands. But I am not a fool!

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