Good-morning! Have a blessed final day of Navratri and do give a thought to all those 48% Indians who went out in open to defecate this morning, dumping sh*t all over the marvelous efforts by the Prime Minister to clean India yesterday.
These privileged people, privileged only if they earn less than Rs 32 a day, with anti-corporation, anti-capitalism, anti-survival-of-fittest, anti-free-market, anti-whatever-is-good-for-economy "Food Security Bill" are dumping sh*t from the free food they get from the anti-stock-market, anti-patriotic, pro-Italy policies implemented by the previous government.
Due to relentless efforts of our urban myth busters, (some unenlightened people call them Modi Bhakts.) it is only matter of days when the bill will be removed and this will substantially reduce the amount of sh*t that we have to deal with to realize our dream of clean India.
Unfortunately, the nature of human colon is against us! Without food security the amount of sh*t reduces, but 48% of 1.25 billion people can still create huge amount of filthy nuisance. Some commie scholars like Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen suggest we should take lessons from Bangladesh & construct affordable toilets which is funny because the commies don't realize that a good number of these 48% are Bangladeshis! Seriously, do we want to spend hard earned tax payers money to construct toilets for these freeloaders? Isn't it similar to the policy adopted by anti-stock-market, anti-patriotic, pro-Italy policies implemented by previous government? Sorry, we didn't bring the new government to make policy errors like previous government!
After listening to all these immaculate reasoning you might be able to see the genius of the plan?... If not, let me break it for you. People of this country must realize that cleanliness is most important problem facing the country. And people must be made to believe that we can make India clean, in isolation from every other problem facing this country like poverty or lack of toilets or lack of dustbins or municipal infrastructure etc.
But, how do you make people believe this?
Have you known people going for movies week after week, paying between Rs 500 - Rs 1000 per person to see something that makes watching a man defecating in open more artistic? Ever wondered how they get people to spend money on such movies?... Never mind, I will be digressing if I delve in "How", but here is the answer to the question!
You can make people believe anything if you throw in some Bollywood chumps who agree with your cause!
So, when you have made people believe that India can be made clean & untidiness is most important social problem facing the country, you can literally do anything to keep the 48% in line so that our roads, our railway tracks, our mohallas, our societies are clean from the filth.
You will wonder why such a complicated plan for powerless people? But remember, this is not the age where you can make public opinion in your favor by pushing people out of their filth creating slums. You will have to engineer opinion! Can you imagine the view from the top of Antilla of these slums? Wouldn't you prefer that the filthy people lying on roads, railways stations, public parks, traffic circles etc ... just disappear?
And this is why the campaign is important. Through your efforts we should be able to create a moral and ethical framework which will make us immune to ghettofication and displacement of people who create filth.
Now, let us also not forget to pray for the clean and healthy India.
These privileged people, privileged only if they earn less than Rs 32 a day, with anti-corporation, anti-capitalism, anti-survival-of-fittest, anti-free-market, anti-whatever-is-good-for-economy "Food Security Bill" are dumping sh*t from the free food they get from the anti-stock-market, anti-patriotic, pro-Italy policies implemented by the previous government.
Due to relentless efforts of our urban myth busters, (some unenlightened people call them Modi Bhakts.) it is only matter of days when the bill will be removed and this will substantially reduce the amount of sh*t that we have to deal with to realize our dream of clean India.
Unfortunately, the nature of human colon is against us! Without food security the amount of sh*t reduces, but 48% of 1.25 billion people can still create huge amount of filthy nuisance. Some commie scholars like Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen suggest we should take lessons from Bangladesh & construct affordable toilets which is funny because the commies don't realize that a good number of these 48% are Bangladeshis! Seriously, do we want to spend hard earned tax payers money to construct toilets for these freeloaders? Isn't it similar to the policy adopted by anti-stock-market, anti-patriotic, pro-Italy policies implemented by previous government? Sorry, we didn't bring the new government to make policy errors like previous government!
After listening to all these immaculate reasoning you might be able to see the genius of the plan?... If not, let me break it for you. People of this country must realize that cleanliness is most important problem facing the country. And people must be made to believe that we can make India clean, in isolation from every other problem facing this country like poverty or lack of toilets or lack of dustbins or municipal infrastructure etc.
But, how do you make people believe this?
Have you known people going for movies week after week, paying between Rs 500 - Rs 1000 per person to see something that makes watching a man defecating in open more artistic? Ever wondered how they get people to spend money on such movies?... Never mind, I will be digressing if I delve in "How", but here is the answer to the question!
You can make people believe anything if you throw in some Bollywood chumps who agree with your cause!
So, when you have made people believe that India can be made clean & untidiness is most important social problem facing the country, you can literally do anything to keep the 48% in line so that our roads, our railway tracks, our mohallas, our societies are clean from the filth.
You will wonder why such a complicated plan for powerless people? But remember, this is not the age where you can make public opinion in your favor by pushing people out of their filth creating slums. You will have to engineer opinion! Can you imagine the view from the top of Antilla of these slums? Wouldn't you prefer that the filthy people lying on roads, railways stations, public parks, traffic circles etc ... just disappear?
And this is why the campaign is important. Through your efforts we should be able to create a moral and ethical framework which will make us immune to ghettofication and displacement of people who create filth.
Now, let us also not forget to pray for the clean and healthy India.
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