From time immemorial, religion is known to be one of the most powerful concept which affects us. Religion runs families, politics, governments, ideals, cultures, protests... We judge people by their commitment to religion, and religion unites and it divides people. With all this mass hysteria behind the word “religion”, one assumes that you cannot criticize religion. Even the mildest of criticism is taken as blasphemy, judged against sin. Our moral values are guided by religion, ethics are dictated by it. You must be morally deprived or ethically impoverished to even think of criticizing religion. With all this at stake, I want to come out of the closet and let it be known, to whoever cares, that I am an atheist!
I had been through the stage of experimenting with religion and concept of God for a long time now. Belief in god is the paternal legacy that I inherited from my family, since the time that I remember. The idea of God was so obvious with nothing to question. The story is long and not interesting. So I'll just cut it short to, “one day I realized that I no more believe in religion or even in the concept of god.” For me religious texts are fiction, faith is a virus and God is no different from Aladdin's fantastical Genie. So, if you are talking to me about any of these subjects, do expect no or a sarcastic response from me on the subject. You may call me a sinner if you do not see me patronizing with your beliefs, but I am OK with it. I just do not wish to bark attack on idiotic view of religion and god. And yes, I think it is idiotic!
If you are making assumptions that something really miserable or ill-fated must have happened to me, similar to Amitabh Bacchan's life in the movie Nastik, then you will be disappointed to know that my life is not that dramatic. Sorry! The reason for my beliefs leans heavily on science. The interrelation between various branches of science, from astronomy to evolution to human psychology etc. For me faith or any faith does not need respect as I have come to believe that the ideas preached by these books should be scrutinized and when found illogical or in many case demeaning to humankind, should even be attacked. I am not just talking about one religion, I am talking about any monotheistic or polytheistic religion or any other form or concept of god. Honestly, if you give it a little thought it is not too hard to realize that the false myths spread by religion were nothing but ignorant stories and wisdom which tried to explain mysteries that had no answers at the time of origin of those religions.
Mysteries that we don't know and the ones that we may know in future are far more profound, far more uplifting than anything you will ever find in Vedas, Upanishads, Bible, Qur'an or any other religious texts.
I have been asked, What is wrong in having belief in God or existence of a God?
I think it is false and it is matter of belief without evidence. As an engineer, a citizen of scientific era and avid admirer of science and its progress, I like the idea that we should believe in things because there is evidence verifiable through repetitive experimentation and observations.
In spite of tremendous amount of evidence from the beginning of the 21st century regarding evolution, climate change and the universe that it is, rather, a matter of shame that people still base their lives on something for which there is no evidence or never was any evidence. I find this realization depressing because the truth, stored in form of scientific knowledge and observations all around us, is so beautiful and mystical without any pretensions of faith.
I have also been confronted with the argument that, "it is absurd that is why it is faith, because if it was evidential then you would not require a faith and you will be missing the point about religion." But from my point of view, it is not a point in it favor, is it?
For me what matters is the truth! And here I am referring to the scientific truth. I can't see any other form of truth when we are discussing the universe and the nature of life on this planet. There is arguably another form of truth, truth that you may call as ethical or moral truth. But from my point of view, the so called moral or ethical truths are nothing but outcome of common sense and I would rather not consider them scientific at all unless we completely understand the working of human brain. When pondering over the question of definition of truth, I will be only referring to the scientific truth which are verifiable through rigorous experimentation and are based on years of accumulated scientific knowledge.
The reason why these questions have crossed my mind are due to the rigid immovable shackles religion and its medieval customs have presented before us even after 400 years of enlightenment. Somehow it seems to me that there is a noticeable growth pseudosciences thanks to the media where a substantial group gives focus on astrology or conspiracy theories but never do we see TV series on Indian television on science and development of science.
We have a whole generation growing up on crap shown on Aaj Tak and India Channel.
As I said before, I find that there is so much available to us in terms of scientific knowledge and understanding of universe and life on this planet, that I consider it a tragedy that people have been actively led astray into believing illogical nonsense and superstitions of old ignorant world.
Where did the need to replace these superstitious ideas with science come from?
The answer is in human inquisitiveness to understand. Before science process was fully developed and understood, people filled the "need to understand" with superstitions or religions which were based on inspirational wisdom but not facts.
There is also a need for consolation and religion gives consolation to its followers, which probably is mixed blessing. Anyway, we need to realize that anything that is consoling is not necessarily true. Nevertheless it probably is a human need and it is easy enough to think of reasons why religion has persisted.
One thing people since childhood are taught that people who do not believe in religion are wicked and generally negative. But all the way through the growing years and understanding of world and nature around me I have come to realize that there are negative aspect of blind faith. What blind faith in absence of evidence does, is that it predisposes you to do evil things that you otherwise wouldn't do.
Does blind faith have to be negative thing? My parents are religious, they can never think of hurting someone, where as, many positive aspects of their personalities can be attributed to their belief in God. So, what is the problem in having such innocuous belief?
I don't necessarily think that it is negative for every instance, but the very idea that it is blind, that is without evidence, is negative. With beliefs people keep telling each other that,“if you feel it is right or if something is true for you then its true to you, after all everything is relative.”
However, I think there is something far more absolute about the truth than those meaningless mystical sentences. The truth that earth is not flat cannot be disproved, also the truth that demons don't eat the sun and moon during eclipses cannot be treated as relative truth. In no relativistic reference frame of Einstein's will a demon eat sun or the moon, unless Einstein was kind enough to define a “Reference frame of insanity”!
One needs to acknowledge the innumerable proofs that disproves the old world notion of nature and with it also disproves the related pseudosciences and belief system. I don't wish or assume the right to impose truth or the new world's rationality on people if people are not ready to accept the truth. But I want these people to give themselves an opportunity to look at the truths discovered about nature and universe in recent years of development of science.
The truth of human evolution and the laws which accurately explain the universe and nature are much better and satisfying than the cryptic book of wisdom. I wouldn't want the children of future to grow up sheltered from the truth, protected by the wall erected by tradition, superstition and culture.
Finally, it is a common cultural trait among Indians that atheists have two horns and a tail. It is this perception that stops many of us to look into the direction of logic. This is the very reason that I believe most atheists in this country are forced to remain in the closet of anonymity or wear masks to hide their actual beliefs. It is ironical when you realize that one of the largest treatise on atheism from the old world has been developed in India. Cārvāka is a system of Indian philosophy which is also one of the oldest atheist school of philosophy. Many of its proponents have had professed the concept that there is no life after death and religion is invented by man. One of the Cārvāka texts says,
... That the pleasure arising to man
from contact with sensible objects,
is to be relinquished because accompanied by pain—
such is the reasoning of fools.
The kernels of the paddy, rich with finest white grains,
What man, seeking his own true interest,
would fling them away
because of a covering of husk and dust?
While life remains, let a man live happily,
let him feed on butter though he runs in debt;
When once the body becomes ashes,
how can it ever return again?
So, my appeal to fellow Indians is that the idea of questioning faith and tradition is not something new to this country.
This is the only life you have and if you are going to run your life based on beliefs that your actions will take you to hell or to a lowly life form in the next birth then you will be wasting your life in these beliefs of absurdities. And it definitely isn't a better way of living.
first of all, baba itni mushkil english na likha kijiye. you are forgetting simple law of communications that make your sentence simple and precise. using difficult words make your message unreadable by many of human beings.
second thing is that baba is opening gade murde. this time religion is not a big issue. media is a mirror of our changing society. just see that then you will realise that there are many big problmes exist in our society than debating of existence of GOD. I expect a meaningful topic from your side in next sanskaran of anubhuti.
now as far as nastik and astik is concerned, i think both are sikke ke do pehlu. so dont have any problem in that. everyone has their particular opinion, but i suggest baba that please leave smoking and drinking. this is making him more negative day by day. try to learn new things from every facet of nature. everything is a part of nature. one more thing. i think you have gone through very different environment till now. your world is just internet. you fear to face real people. if you really wanna understand religion than you have to enter in the ocean of knowldege. you are standing on shore and saying that ocean is just a pond. your feet are in water of modern science and you think that that is complete. this is the main reason people dont believe on your sayings. you are not the right person to comment on neither on religion nor on modern science. if you want to say something about anything, then you should know everything about that thing. otherwise you are doing injustice to that topic and this is the reason of decreasing popularity of anubhuti.
baba i suggest you please go through at least for one year to religion. this is not the thing of seconds passed on internet. all the things you are saying were in the mind of the great vivekanand jee. but he was not insulting the topic. in fact he was curious to know everything. and he did efforts. now he is not famous as a religious personality but as a real thinker. i hope you know abt the great swami vivekanand jee. he met ram krishna paramhans jee. then he knew the truth. but you havnt meet me till now. when you will meet me then you will understand what is real truth.
आर के जी,
क्षमा चाहूंगा, मेरा इरादा इस ब्लॉग को आपके पढने हेतु कठिन बनाने का कतई न था! मुझे विश्वास है की इसे आप मेरी अचेत भूल जान अनदेखा कर देंगे! आपकी दूसरी पीड़ा का निवारण करने में मैं असमर्थ हूँ, क्यूंकि यह ब्लॉग लिखने का मेरा उद्देश्य अपने मष्तिक में पैदा हुए विचारों को लोगो के साथ बाटने का हैं, मैंने कभी ऐसा नहीं कहा है की मैं वो लिखूंगा जो "आपलोग" मुझसे सुनना चाहते हैं!
अपने इस लेख में मैंने कई जगह लिखा है की यथार्थ (truth) कभी सापेक्ष (relative) नहीं होता! यथार्थ की परिभाषा ही निर्बाध (absolute) सच है! मेरे हिसाब से अगर कोई व्यक्ति थोडा भी ज्ञानवान है तो वो अपने परिस्थितियों और वातावरण को समझने का सामर्थ रखता है! पर उसका सामर्थ उसके ज्ञान तक ही सीमित होता है! ज्ञान की परिभाषा आसान नहीं है मेरे लिए, मेरे हिसाब वो ज्ञान उपयोगी है जो जटिल संगग्यात्मक प्रक्रिया जैसे अनुभूति, अभ्यास, अभिव्यति, सम्मलेन एवं तर्क वितर्क के मिश्रण से अर्जित की जाए! ऐसे ज्ञान का प्रमाण अस्थायी होता है और उसे नकारा नहीं जा सकता! आधुनिक विज्ञान के ज्ञान अर्जन करने की विधि में आप ऐसी समानता देख सकते हैं! जिस ज्ञान की आप बात कर रहे हैं वो जब तर्क वितर्क के समक्ष्य आता है तो आपकी युक्ति पथभ्रष्ट हो जाती है, जो इसके अस्थायी न होने का सम्पूर्ण संकेत देती हैं! आपकी पिछली टिपण्णी मेरे इस धारणा का प्रमाण दे रही है! जब हमारे पूर्वजो के पास अपने धनार्जन प्रक्रिया के आलावा थोडा समय बचता तो वो प्रकृति के गहन भेद जानने के इक्चुक हो जाते थे ( मेरे हिसाब से यह मनुष्य की आतंरिक प्रकृति हैं) और "क्यूँ कैसे कब कहाँ" जैसे प्रश्नों के समाधान में अपना समय लगाते थे! अपने इस लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के उनके पास सीमित साधन थे क्यूंकि विज्ञानं उस समय उनके सारे प्रश्नों के समाधान देने के लिए विकसित नहीं था! तो मेरा यह मानना है की हमारे पूर्वजो ने इन प्रश्नों का समाधान अपने हिसाब से देने की सोची, फिर लोगो ने इसमें भगवान को भी जोड़ दिया ताकि कोई इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर पर ऊँगली न उठा सके और उनकी व्यक्तिगत धारणा अब पत्थर की लकीर बन गयी! तब विभिन्न लोगो की धारनायों ने भिन्न भिन्न धर्मो का रूप ले लिया! इसलिए आज के दौर में समाज में विधमान धर्मो में भिन्न विचार, बैर और प्रतिद्वंद देखा जा सकता है! इसके कई उदाहरण मैं दे सकता हूँ पर धर्मो की भिन्नता दिखाना इस लेख का उद्देश्य नहीं है! मैं अपने वाक्यों के समर्थन मैं दो तथ्य दूंगा, पहला, १७ वी सदी के यूरोपीय, गालीलेओ के दावों को नकार कर यह मानते थे की धरती चपटी है और हमारे यहाँ लोग आज भी विश्वास करते हैं की ग्रहण के समय राहू केतु नामक दैत्य सूर्य और चन्द्रमा को निगलने आते हैं! मैं आपको ऐसे अनगिनत तथ्य प्रस्तुत कर सकता हूँ! यह सब जान कर मेरा अब यह मानना है की अगर कोई व्यक्ति ज्ञान की उन्नति के लिए खड़ा है तो उसे इन पौराणिक एवं काल्पनिक विचारो की आलोचना करनी पड़ती है नहीं तो चुनौती देनी पड़ती है! विश्वास और अंधविशवास में ज़मीन आसमा का फर्क है, लोगो के विश्वास, अगर गलत साबित हुए, तो परिवर्तित किये जा सकते हैं पर अन्धविश्वास, जिसका कोई आधार नहीं होता, (पारंपरिक) उसे बदलना नामुमकिन हो जाता है! और इसे मैं खतरनाक मानता हूँ! ऐसे अन्धविश्वास दिमाग को सुस्त और आदमी को प्रतिक्रियात्मक बना देते है! ऐसे अन्धविश्वास सिर्फ आदमी के कठिनाई के समय काम आते है क्यूंकि यह उन्हें सांत्वना देते है और कुछ नहीं, यह आपके समस्याओं का समाधान नहीं देते!
जहाँ तक स्वामी विवेकानंद का सवाल है मैं कोई टिपण्णी नहीं करना चाहूँगा! मैं बस यह कहना चाहूँगा की मैंने विवेकानंद के लेखों का अध्यन किया है और उनके विचार सकारात्मक थे! शायद आपको ज्ञान होगा, विवेकानंद खुद परामनोविज्ञान (parapsychology) और ज्योतिष विद्या जैसे नकली विज्ञानं के विरुद्ध थे! और उनके दिल में ऐसे अंधविश्वासों की कोई जगह नहीं थी! वो ज्ञान अर्जन के लिए वैज्ञानिक साधों के पक्ष में थे और उन्होंने कभी ऐसा नहीं कहा था की उनका ज्ञान अनंत है या उन्हें संसार के बारे में सब कुछ ज्ञात है! मेरे हिसाब से मेरा इतना बोलना यहाँ काफी है!
मुझे ऐसा भाप होता है की शायद मेरे कुछ वाक्यों से मैं आपको अहंकारी लगूं! यह शायद हमारे पौराणिक कहानियों का परिणाम है की हमारे यहाँ जो भगवान पर विश्वास नहीं करते स्वभाविक तौर से भगवान के प्रतियोगी बन जाते है! (उदहारण के लिए रावण) पर एक नास्तिक होने के नाते जब मैं भगवान पर विश्वास नहीं करता तो में उसके प्रतियोगी पर कैसे विश्वास कर सकता हूँ? मैं आपको यह बताना चाहता हूँ की मेरे नास्तिक होने से मेरा अहंकार नहीं बढ़ जाता है! मैं अभी भी खुद को एक तुच्छ मनुष्य मानता हूँ, एक ऐसा मनुष्य जिसमें वो सारी कमियां हैं जो एक सामान्य मनुष्य में होती है, शायद और भी ज्यादा! अहम् मेरा एक अंश है जिसे व्यवहारिक रूप में मैं मिटा नहीं सकता और न कोई और...
Nice read... I think blogging is a very transparent way of expressing one self, the best part about blogging is that you can express your views freely. You have made very good use of it. Like the genuine writing... :-)
Mujhe lagta hai ki aise to religion is nothing more than a ordinary piece of cloth ... u can wear a suit of Siyaram's or Armani ... u r the same person though!!! But god in any form kabhi kabhi bahut useful hote hain when one gets weak and needs to reunite his exterior with his innner spirit ...
Yes, I acknowledge that religion has consoling effect on its followers. But anything that is consoling, is not necessarily true.
Yeh anonymous main hoon ... Shabbo
Was a good read. Gave me something to think about.
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